onsdag, oktober 18, 2006


(photo: me, october 2006)
From Ogna this weekend, i got time to live!

Time to think or time to just live. Well, it is hard to see how it is possible to find the sensible way of using my time.

With small children, one at the age of three, and another one who have started to school - it is not easy to find the balance of work and rest. Rest is one thing, but to just relax and use the valuable time to think and seizing the life as it is...

Well, i have decided to quit most of the things which take time, for the things which i want to give time. I want to give my family what they need. That means my attention, will... and time.

I don`t want so many things to happen in my life. I just want to be. That gives me and my family a lot!


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Om meg

I grew up at Årsvoll, a farm close to Sandnes. Sandnes is a city at the west coast of Norway - not far from where the oil is(!). I married Vigdis in 1995. She is from Bjerkreim, a place up in the mountains... a wonderful place! We have two children and enjoy our life in our little house at Ålgård - not far from Sandnes.