My sister get a hug of her mother in law. I took the picture in my sisters wedding. She married her man who comes from Colombia.
Late in the wedding we heard a man playing a melancholic song on the piano. I was thinking that this song was special, and at the same time started to think about what kind of life this woman lived when she was young.
After the man finished, i asked him about the song. He told me that it was about working with coffee (on the plantation). I was thinking of what kind of hard work it maybe was (is?), producing coffee?
These old hands did that kind of work... many years ago, Gerardo told me.
What about the coffee we drink. For what kind of price is it made?
4 kommentarer:
A fantastic photo and your posting leaves a lot to think about...
Great picture, again!
How was the wedding?
I have been blogging a little less than usual, mainly because I'm watching world cup matches after my son has gone to bed.
I didn't grieve that Brazil went out. They were overestimated. England was another story, but they also didn't quite get their act together. My tip that Italy might win has still to prove itself...
Gratulerer med et favnende og talende kvalitets BLINKSKUDD!! Fritt tolket gir bildet meg blant annet følgende assosiasjoner:
Så morsomt at du besøker siden, min, Aud Greta. Morsomt!
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