I am inspired of one of my friends at myspace who wrote a blog about slavery and apologizing.
I often wonder about the free will. What is it, and what does it mean? What kind of consequnces does it have for us as human being? And in my work - what does it mean for people who are vulnerable and who suffer in prostitution and maybe also as victim of trafficking?
In the christian church we hear that we have this free will to do the will of God, - or not! In a way we are told that we are in control over our own`s destiny. If we choose right, our life will be good. If we choose wrong, our life will not be as good as it could!
I wonder if this is just right? Did Jesus has a free will? What would the consequences be if He didn`t choose the road we all know? Had this man really a choice?
How can a girl from Bulgaria, now 35 year old, be responsible for the life she has, when being put into prostitution of her parents when she was 14 year old? She has been in prostitution the last 20 years, and someone talk about free will?
Is she responsible for the life she has? Is she a slave if she keep the money she earn in prostitution? And what changes if she doesn`t? In Norway it seems that the different parties are tired of the discussion about making it a crime to buy sexual services. They want action, to decide, and the argumentation for making it a crime is "buying sex is sexual violence", prostitution is a order - problem (people feel rude about it) and "we need to dam up against the traffickers"... I fear that the prostitutes will be the forgotten ones when (!) we get this new law. There will still be women of free will going into this kind of buisness. Or is it a free will?
I think the society needs to define the human rights, how to understand this. We can`t put the responsibility one the shoulder of a suffering woman and her free will.
And ss long as she doesn`t do anything illegal, i think we should help and give them more rights as women. Education, work... health care services - so they can be free and have benefit of having a free will!
Spring - it doesn`t have a free will. But it is beautiful!