søndag, februar 25, 2007

An evening with ice!

The cold and windy weather gave me some nice motifs today:

It helped a little bit after loosing the final against Chelskis!

iTunes, Creative or....?

My mp3-player...

I have an old cd-player from 1992, and it still help my family enjoying music in our home at Aalgaard. My daughter and my son know how it works, and i think it is a good idea to let them really use it. And they do!

I have found it more easy to bring my music out of the house, - when i want to listen to it. I really need my mp3-player. My children dominate at home, and my dear wife doesn`t always think that music helps in a busy day. For me music is therapy. I use different kind of music as "treatment" for my varying state of mind. It could be Fernando Ortega to find peace and worship God, Amy Grant to celebrate life and U2 for having some good rhythms... And George Michael when i just need to be melancholic.

So in the morning i wake up at a quarter past six. I rush out of the house. Need to catch the first bus. I bring with me my mp3-player, a book, the newspaper and sit down at the left side in the green bus... Always the same procedure.

Then i have one hour for reading and music. It gives me a good start for a new day.

But i have one problem. My mp3-player handle just 256mb. That doesn`t give me many different songs!

So before i go abroad in two weeks, i want to buy a new mp3-player. I will use a whole day on my trip from Stavanger to Sofia (Bulgaria), and then i just need a little bit more out of a mp3-player.

So, should it be iTunes or Creative? Or do you have another suggest?


søndag, februar 18, 2007

Sunday at Aalgaard - church to be removed

This sunday we decided to be at home. Normally we go for a visit or something, but today we needed to be a family. If you understand... Church first, then dinner, talking and then a trip out. Today we chosed to go to Limavatnet, Edlandsvatnet and Stasjonen, close to the church which is supposed to be removed for a new one. I am against this. Not for having a new church, but it is a shame that we loose buildings like this. They are a kind of monumental for the citizens. To ruin the main church at Aalgaard is crazy!

lørdag, februar 17, 2007

Tur til Stemmen


Look - alike?

My two grandfathers, farmers and friends! The one, everyone think is my look-alike, is Halvar. The man to the right...


mandag, februar 12, 2007

Winter on the road to Ivesdal

Yesterday we experienced the winter at our way to Ivesdal, my wifes homeplace. Cold temperature, a strong wind and a little bit snow in the air, gave us this good feeling of being inside. Inside the car, and in the end - inside the house of my parents-in-law.
Have been married to Vigdis for over 11 years now, and i have never used two hours on these 30 km. We have been driven this road in different weather through the years. And yesterday gave us something to remember.

The strong wind made the trip fun. We had to go slowly, just to stay on the road... Just two-hundred metres away from Ivesdal, i drove the car into that snowdrift! And i couldn`t get it out of it. No trafficlights. Just those snowflakes blowing. After a while my boy said: "this is exciting!". Well, it turned the situation to be more cosy. We had each other, and were singing while waiting for a tractor to come.

In the end we met up with this special home, where my wife grew up. With her wonderful parents!

Here some photos of our way to Ivesdal, yesterday:

Not easy to go peeing at Runaskaret!

Here we are, celebrating winter in the snow!

Finally - my parents-in-law!

lørdag, februar 10, 2007

I am allergic to resin!

What about you, then?


Om meg

I grew up at Årsvoll, a farm close to Sandnes. Sandnes is a city at the west coast of Norway - not far from where the oil is(!). I married Vigdis in 1995. She is from Bjerkreim, a place up in the mountains... a wonderful place! We have two children and enjoy our life in our little house at Ålgård - not far from Sandnes.